Here you'll find all the info you'll need about how to return your items. If you need some further help, please contact us.
How long after purchase can I still get a refund?
We are happy to refund your purchase within 14 days of receipt if the colour is not suitable providing the product is returned with the hygiene sticker sealed and in the original condition.
For hygiene reasons we cannot accept back products which have been worn or with hygiene seals broken, even if this is to check suitability. Items must be returned in their original packaging, stilattached to the product backing card and with any packing and retaining hygiene seals intact where appropriate. All products come in packaging which allows easy checking of the colour suitability.
We cannot accept hair products back where the seals have been removed/tampered with including open colour swatch samples or products which are in a condition which indicates the product may have been used, unless faulty.
For this reason, we also reserve the right to withhold refunds until we have been able to verify that the product is unused. The Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013 states “consumers will lose their right to cancel if they unseal goods that are not suitable for return if they are unsealed, due to health protection or hygiene reasons”. If the buyer removed hygiene seals against instructions to the contrary, they are likely to be deemed to have ‘accepted’ the goods and are not entitled to a refund or to cancel the contract.
Products are packed in sealed see-through packs should be returned with the sealed pack intact and unopened. The sealed packs or seals which hold the product together and/or to the backing card are there for hygiene reasons.
Where do I return my items?
To return you items follow either one of the links below and follow the steps provided.
Are Virgin Hair returns free?
We provide a free returns label so you don’t need to pay for postage when sending your order back to Virgin Hair. However, Virgin Hair deduct 5€ from refunds when returning an order.
How long do Virgin Hair returns take to process?
After Virgin Hairhas received and processed your return, you should allow 3-5 days for the refund to be cleared in the account you originally paid with.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions it may take longer than usual for your order to be returned to us. We have strict social distancing measures in place in our warehouse this means it may take slightly longer to process your return and get your refund to you. We appreciate your patience and understanding at this time.
Can I Exchange my item?
We do not accept exchanges as customers can obtain a replacement item quicker by placing a new order and returning the original one for a refund, which we endeavour to process within five working days of receipt. However, your payment card provider may take up to five working days further to credit your account.